the things our heart wants most... have to be thought of or rationalized from outside the heart...
our mind needs to take control of the ever previous things our hearts desire.
ok, first of all I have to say... i'm one who follows my heart always and sometimes it's been almost crazy what I've done...
but, I came to understand something about myself... while reading traits of a Sagittarius because of my birthday being last week.
It said something like, don't call me and expect me to go now, i need at least 24 hours notice.. lol.
It was contradictory to what I had read previously about Sagittarius... that we were spontaneous.
But it was soooooo me.
Ok... I always thought I was spontaneous...but then after reading the 24 hour notice thing... I realized I am not so spontaneous.
I, most of the time need time in order to do something.
But then I realized, that I am so spontaneous... when my heart is truly in it.
Like that first trip to Spain, all alone, first time on a plane, and no I wasn't 20 years old...
I was double that.
And because of my fears, I never got on a plane,
until I let my heart guide me.
Yes, my heart guided me, with no reservations, with no excuses, and it was the best thing ever.
It was what freed me from the restricted life I chose to live
So... I have 2 parts of me. One spontaneous when my heart is driven,
the other needing structure.
ok, back to what I wanted to say... I made 2 realizations in just a few days.
Things that I was emotionally attached to, one only realized in the last few months,
the other realized many years ago.
Things that I want with all my heart... but, today, I realized that because of how things played out,
how my mind and heart have expanded over the last year.... and the greatest realization of what I know I deserve, and what I truly want....
I'm different and am now choosing to live in a different way.
I believe things that we truly desire, dreams we want to fulfill...
and when we know the path that needs to be taken so that we are prepared to receive what we've,
for so long, desired....
A new year is upon us... this old year ...
for me, filled with growth, realizations, disappointments, issues I've had to overcome, loss, fear, caused me to learn things, the hard way.
With all of these things that touch my life, on a daily basis because they're what I love most...
and because of what I desire most... I have to control my heart.
Because I choose not to suffer any more for the things that bring me most happiness...
Hmm.... interesting thought, that last sentence was.
Because in life, in many instances,
what we desire most and love most and hold most precious,
are the things that cause us to suffer most... hmmm....
But right now... I can't do that anymore. I have to build a wall.
And not one that can't be broken down...but a wall with doors and windows...
and those doors and windows are what will be opened for all the beautiful to enter....
but when I want them to enter.
No more tears... No more anxiety... No more fears...
Just live the moment... and what is meant to be, will be.
What happened, happened.... I can't change it... so why suffer over it.
2016.... a few days ago... will be a year of change, that 2015 brought me to.
I didn't know if I'd live to see it. But, I was given the opportunity to make my dreams come true... and in the process help others to accomplish theirs, and to inspire others to be more...
Step 1... dream...
Step 2... believe...
Step 3... research how...
Step 4... take the steps
Step 5... smiles and joy through out the journey...
Step 6... Dreams realized....
yeah... it's going to be a good one. I promise!!! And I'm smiling...
a year...and the rest of a beautiful life filled with love... family & friends... business... health, wonderful health... freedom to create and to fly and just lay down looking up with no worries... abundance ....
What I am going to do in 2016 is live this year with no fear... I'm going to fly...
leaving all the doubts behind... and take those needed steps out of my comfort zone to be more, do more, smile more, love more... And it's what I hope for you.
My word for the year... FEARLESS!