Sunday, October 16, 2011
My new adventure....
The last couple of weeks I got involved in something. Something that I am determined will change my life.
I went to an event...that totally blew my mind last weekend. It was an event honoring achievers. Ok...when I think of achievers, I think of college educated. Or successful business owners. People who have worked hard to achieve their goals.
What amazed me here....was there were people who didn't have to be college educated. A lot were college drop outs, only because of where this opportunity took them. Most started in this business to pay for their college educations. A lot told stories of their parents, and how they wanted to help their parents, after seeing them work 2 and 3 jobs to support their families. There were a couple that spoke that day, that are now retiring their parents. Huh...geez...my mom is retired, but if I could help her to live a better life...what better incentive do I have...other than my son?
A lot of these achievers were in their early 20's. Of course there were older people as well.
What I was amazed by...is they were people, just like you and me. People with drive...and determination. People who didn't let "NO" stop them. People who were determined to have a better future.
I was really impressed by a few, one guy started 7 months ago...19 years old...and i was told he came from the hood! You know...close to the ghetto! He's making now 5 figure income a month...ok, five figures, that's 10,000....hey i want $10K a month...don't you!
There was also this couple, i'd say they were in their late 30's. A couple that have a medical supply company. And of course, because of the economy saw this business opportunity and went for it. Within a year's time...due to what this company has done for them, they are now in the process of selling their medical supply company.
There was a mother and son there...which touched me, because of my relationship with my son. They are Haitian. The mother told the story of her son coming home excited about a new opportunity that he had seen. She said, "no way...go to your room" He persisted...and she finally let him go with it. He is now after, just a couple years, one of the leaders. He is now about 23 years old...not sure! But she got into it after she saw what he was doing. And is now a high achiever as well.
There was a brother and sister. He is one of the highest achievers, and she is just below him. Both were in college, worried how they were going to pay their educations, because their parents couldn't. He's now 26, she must be about 24, maybe. They told their stories...broke, and this opportunity was presented to him first. He went with it...today he's driving a Bentley after 7 years. He told how he and his sister are giving their mother $30,000 as a christmas gift. Blew my mind...
There were people who spoke very little english, if any at all, who were making their dreams a reality due to this system.
It was so nice seeing people dressed professionally. You can't wear jeans to these functions. So, I had to go out and buy Anthony dress pants and shoes, a tie and a belt. What a few of these young adults said, is this business has expanded their lives. It's taught them confidence and how to speak and carry themselves in a professional manner. It's awesome!!
I'm laughing because the photo I chose for this blog, was intended to be a professional photo of me! I'm a jeans and cute top type of person... trying to use more skirts because they're more attractive for me! And ok I do dress or try to dress professionally for work, I don't own a business suit...but a skirt and top does me good! So here I am in my "trying to look a little professional" photo....hey, its the only thing I had! lol
Ok...back to my story.....
Hey, I was impressed...and I am one that is not easily impressed. Because I want to know who, why, when, and what...in order to do anything. This day... i don't know what it was, but I believed in it.
First of all...I am the hardest person to sell something to. I don't believe in things. A few weeks ago, a lady from work asked me to meet with her to discuss something. I knew what was coming... But because she wouldn't stop asking, I decided to go to lunch with her and hear what she had to offer, but i'm going to the luncheon thinking "please, please, please don't ask me to join your group and sell something" She was selling Melaluca, my mom used to sell it. So, I put my blinders on....why you ask? Because I don't like to sell. Hey I sold Tupperware, Avon, Amway...etc etc.
Hey, I can't even sell myself something if I don't believe in it. For instance, I may see something I like and walk toward the register and on the way i'm thinking...do I need it? will I use it? Do i really like it?....most of the time, I don't get as far as the register!
Ok, ok...I sell real estate. Some times I like it, sometimes I don't. But, I will NOT sell products where you tell me I have to buy your detergent...or your shampoo or your vitamins...or creams...or pans...or knives...or THINGS I WILL NOT USE! Hey,,,, even though you're telling me that your product is good for the environment...it still doesnt smell like Downey, which I've been using for over 20 years...and i don't think anyone, until they come out with the exact same smell...will get me to change. That's me...hard...i like what I like and you can't change my mind...I won't use it even if its free...ahhh, can't lie, maybe if its free, i could use it for old stuff.
So...over the last week. I was sold...and only because these things I now provide are things you and I use each and every minute of our waking lives. Simple huh....and what's more simple...is it sells itself. With names we use each and every day. I don't have to change your mindset...because these are products and companies that we already use.
I think you've all gotten to know me a little more...I'm not a liar...as you can see in all my blogs..I'm an open book, hey you all know my life story now...i'm not afraid to tell it. So....
Hey...I'm on a mission...and I'm going to make it work for me. Want to come along for the ride....hop on!
My new song: MAKE IT HAPPEN....MARIAH CAREY! and the words of inspiration for me are: IF YOU BELIEVE IN YOURSELF ENOUGH...AND KNOW WHAT YOU WANT, YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE IT HAPPEN...AND IF YOU GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES AT NIGHT AND PRAY TO THE LORD...HE'S GOING TO MAKE IT HAPPEN! And this will be the song they play...as i walk up to the stage!
Hey...times a wastin...and I'm tired of worrying about the future...due to limited funds! I'm tired of not being able to have freedom due to limited funds....i'm tired of wanting to accomplish a simple dream...so simple as hopping on a plane...due to limited funds! hey, i'm tired of turning the air conditioning off in Miami...so I can save a few bucks..even though we're perspiring and growing mold in our lungs...due to limited funds (just kidding, but close on the last one) lol
So here i go...wish me luck! Hey, but I'm already lucky...didn't I tell you :)
ok...i'm not preaching you should drop out of college. STAY IN SCHOOL! :)
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