A day to show the ones you love just how much you love them...
A day to remind you, you are alone.
A day to remind you of the person you wish you could be with instead of the person you're with...
A day....just like any day?
I think so.... because whether it's Valentines Day or any other day...our hearts are still the same.
This day for those who are happy with their significant others...is a day of celebration. We celebrate the love we have for each other. And there's no better way to do it.
This day for those who are alone, or unhappy with the one they are with...is just a reminder...and a day that may even make some feel inadequate.
22 year ago on Valentine's Day, I married the love of my life...at that point...my son's father. It was a wonderful day, because I married the man I loved and was determined to make it last forever... 22 years later, its usually my brother in law that reminds me this day is also my anniversary...or former anniversary. This day doesn't remind me of him...or anyone in particular.
What this day does remind me of are chocolate hearts... Russell Stover strawberry hearts...mmm they're the best! I usually eat about 10 before Valentines Day...this year I haven't had one...because I haven't stopped at the store that carries them...I think about it when I pass Walgreens...but haven't made the effort to stop.
I read my friend's posts...some so happy...posting flowers, gifts, etc. But I also read my friend's posts on facebook, who are alone. Who are lonely...who wish they had someone to love. I've been through both in the past...and honestly this day does remind me or make me aware that I'm alone.
I'm alone at this point, by choice. And I'll be alone until I find someone who deserves me and who I deserve. It's not easy to find someone that you fit perfectly... there are many out there readily available...but I won't waste my time on anyone that isn't all I need and want...ever again. Life is too good to spend it tied to someone you don't love...someone who doesn't make your heart happy...someone who doesn't share your same dreams...and someone who does not cause you to dream and create beautiful stories for the two of you.
I truly believe that we have to be happy inside...and be our best always. Someday, someone who completes us will cross our paths and we'll know it.
In reading the Alchemist the other day....I found something I could relate to...
When you know the universal language of love...it's easy to understand that someone in the world awaits you, whether it's in the middle of the desert or in some great city. And when two such people encounter each other, and their eyes meet, the past and the future become unimportant. There is only that moment and the incredible certainty that everything under the sun has been written by one hand only. It is the hand that evokes love and creates a twin soul for every person in the world. Without such love, one's dreams would have no meaning...
What this means to me...and I know...because I have found my soulmate and together we have written beautiful stories. Someone I will love until a day past forever... And what this means to me...is that we have to know in our hearts and soul that there is someone out there waiting to be found by us...and it'll come. It'll happen...don't rush it!
Don't hook up with the first one that comes along...yes, we have to try some on for size...but don't get married, just because you are seeing rockets...don't get pregnant because you love the same love song... Think...wait, and know before you jump. It doesn't take long for your heart to tell you the truth...your mind to tell you the reality of what is truly going on...you'll know whether its right or wrong...and if you feel its wrong, don't stay...go away...far away...because you'll miss out on someone better, the someone meant for you.
Today I hope my friends and the world are happy. Don't be sad because it's Valentine's Day and you are alone ....be happy that in this world there is someone that was made for you. And go out...with your heart and eyes open...smile...be kind...and Prince or Princess charming will be in your path.
this is something I posted on Facebook the other day...because I know that 2 souls, who are meant to find each other...will find each other... through the heavens...that intertwine our breaths our heartbeats...which eventually become one...i know, because the impossible is what brought the most precious to me....
two souls...meld into one...destined to find each other in a world so vast...two souls on a journey, never imagining that all the forces...near and far would someday bring them together...questions..of how and why..can only be answered by the moments of bliss and despair...and when analyzed and taken apart..the overwhelming realization is spelled out into something so beautiful only the heavens could have written...
So go buy yourself some chocolates...or bump that love song in your car...and sing at the top of your lungs... Be happy! You have a million reasons why....just think about it
Happy Valentines Day my friends...Love you!

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