Just a little about me!
I’m Mona to friends back home and to very few people I’ve gotten close to in Miami. I'm Mona to My Miguel, and to my chose friends from Spain. But, when I first meet them I am Ramona. The reason I don’t tell people my name is Mona in Miami or even in Spain, is because if they speak spanish, Mona means monkey, or doll or other things in different countries.
I’m Ramona in Miami to my co-workers and clients. I also realized that some of my classmates from back home call me Ramona. It was funny to hear them call me that, thought they knew me as Mona.
Monalisa, is my alter ego. She’s the wild me, the crazy me, the me that won't hold back…the free me...the creative me!. Monalisa…to my internet friends, and even people who just have to add the Lisa to Mona, like when i was a little girl and had my mom’s friends singing the famous Monalisa song to me. I hated it then, but today i welcome it! Also Mona Lisa comes from Mona because of Ramona and Lisa was the name I chose when I was confirmed. So yeah, it's really my name. :) My chosen name!
The only one who calls me this in Miami is Dani, Anthony’s best friend. And he does it with the cutest little twist ever… he always says “Hey…Monalisa” I think its so cute. Anthony started calling me Monalisa too...and says it just like Dani... it's kinda funny.
The only one who calls me this in Miami is Dani, Anthony’s best friend. And he does it with the cutest little twist ever… he always says “Hey…Monalisa” I think its so cute. Anthony started calling me Monalisa too...and says it just like Dani... it's kinda funny.
Mo…is for people who know Mo…Me! To my nieces and nephews I’m Auntie Mo…to my brothers and sister and brother in law and sisters in law, cousins, aunts and uncles and mom….I’m just plain old Mo! Mo is the one you know that loves you…..and you love too! The crybaby…the one who’s going to give you advice, whether you like it or not, the one who truly cares about you!
Oh…i almost forgot. If you ask my nieces or brothers and cousins, they may have a crazy name they call me…like Modia, Boner, Moninsky, Bona, there is always something new coming out of our crazy mouths!
So here i go…… call me what you want. Some days you may hear from Mona…other days Ramona may take over the conversation…on the days Monalisa is here, you’ll know. And a piece of Mo….will just be added to what the others have to express.
Multiple personalities you say? Nope..just me and the complex person you will soon get to know! I told my friend the other day, if i start talking too much…shut my mouth with kisses. But, if i starting talking too much for you…just click on X…till next time! lol
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