I think I have to clarify a few things. Why a blog?
Just because...just because I feel like it. And if you know me well enough, you know I won't and don't do anything I don't want to do.
I love to talk...I love to write!
What I say or think, may be something you don't agree with, but its me.
You may like me...may not like me...may judge me, but, if you have an open mind, laugh along with me on my journey somewhere!
I'm an open book, just a regular person who's not afraid to say what I think about myself. I won't hurt anyone intentionally...I only hope to help.
What I write here, is my heart writing! My brain churning thoughts here...thoughts there! What you read, is exactly what would be coming out of my mouth...so if you know me...its like you're talking to me!
My grammar is far from perfect, my punctuation is horrible, at times. One thing I'll always try to get right, though, is my spelling...its almost an obsession for me! lol
I'm a little complicated...but yet, so easy! I am always trying to help someone...even though I may not know everything or even a smidgen of anything at all, I will try to help you solve a problem, or see the light! My advice may not be the right advice, but in doing so, I sometimes make realizations that better my life, or help me see things more clearly.
I always welcome ideas, advice, even though I may not do what I'm told, or suggested. I will take it and I will think about it and always try to make sense of it! Call me rebellious, yes that's me, to a point.
So, that's what I do here....write and try to make sense of my life and issues surrounding me and those I love and care about.
So.....here I am. Me, myself and I.....Me, my blog and I. :) Don't take it serious...don't take it personal...just have an open mind and have fun!
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