Wow...another year came and went. And here we are beginning 2012.
What I see...through facebook comments...is HOPE. Hope for a better tomorrow...for a better year.
I hope we all wrote down our New Year resolutions...I haven't yet. But will do it before 12. I not only have to write what I want to accomplish, but will write a plan, on how I will accomplish those goals and figure the steps I need to take.
We have goals...but we need to map out the road to the things we want to accomplish.
I love reading the hope filled comments today....it should be like that every day.
Every day we should try to rid ourselves of the negative...go to sleep at night with hope for the next day and every day after that.
Why do we only do it at the end of the year. Maybe our lives would be easier if we lived every day that way.
Why are we making new year's resolutions...why don't we just make life resolutions to be better than we are today...then tomorrow continue the cycle. That way, we won't be one of the many, who's new year's resolutions were history by the end of January.
I just googled the top New Year's resolutions...this is the list i found
1. Stop smoking
2. get fit
3. lose weight
4. enjoy life
5. quit drinking
6. get organized
7. learn something new
8. get out of debt
9. spend more time with family
10. help people
wow.... what a list. And it makes me wonder...why we have to get to the end of the year...to make this type of list. Hey i've done it...i do it every year.
But this year...mine is different. I think its because I am different. I'm happy. And i'm not going to stress the little things.
My goals for the year you ask?
1. ACN to the Max
(for me and my team)(TC before my birthday)
2. All aspects of real estate to top producer
(like I was a few years ago)
3. Finish my first book by April 1, 2012
(10 years from when it began)
4. Spain in the fall
5. Love
6. all the desires I have on my dream board
(it's a board i made with pictures of all the important things I want
to accomplish and the reasons for them
through hard work and belief in me)
It's my "WHY" at becoming successful in my goals 1-5 above.
The bigger the WHY...the greater the effort!
My other goals like:
be a better mom
be more organized
etc, etc, etc,
i shouldn't have to plan them...
they should just be that way
because I believe each day
that i am that way!
I truly believe...that how we see ourselves
is how we are...and will always be that way
if you never change your way of thinking
All I know is every day...I have to work on myself...on my goals...on my happiness.
Don't wait till today...to make the decision because its December 31. Make it today...because today truly is the first day of the rest of your life. Today, is the beginning to tomorrow. Today...paves the road toward our goals.
And...if what you decide or try to accomplish doesnt happen the way you expect it to...than shake it off...don't use it as an excuse to continue slacking. For instance..if you choose to lose some weight...and you start hard tomorrow...you're eating right...you're running or dancing or whatever exercise you choose...then all of a sudden you have one of those days that you don't want to move. Hey...its ok! Don't think that you aren't going to continue because you had one bad day...just get up...forget about yesterday and not doing it...and get back on.
Its what I
do...regarding my exercise. Sure there are some days, I go to bed late and since I had to change my wake up time to 4:30, its been a little harder to get up. So there have been days I haven't walked before I start work...but do you think it's my excuse to not exercise again...heck no.. I forget about it, and just do it the next day, or that evening or whenever... Make your decisions a part of your life...don't let the moments you slack, dictate your future.
Believe you can do it... Heck...I could use the excuse that 4:30 is too early to wake up.. but if I continue believing that 4:30 is hard...then i'll never get up. I have to make up my mind...which i'm still in the process of doing...and know that 4:30...is just like 5:30...i'm just 1 hour ahead of myself...and I have 1 more hour to accomplish all my other goals. Its making little goals...and tricking yourself to believe...and in the end it becomes truth...a part of you...a part of your life.
Hey....we have to look for the positive in everything....and the results of my working out are a proven fact that I am not only feeling better, i'm looking better...I am better!
Don't resolve to lose weight, just because its a new year...do it because you want a better you. Don't resolve to quit smoking or drinking because it's December 31...do it because you deserve it...and its what you truly want.
The thing on the top 10 list of resolutions that stood out...was "enjoy life" ....wow, i'm at a loss for words right now...i'm wondering why someone would wait till the end of the year to decide to enjoy life....shouldn't this be a no-brainer? Do we have to remind ourselves to enjoy life...yeah, maybe we do, at times, like when we are so busy, we forget to stop and see the beauty around us...but if we have a positive outlook, wake up knowing that the day will be beautiful.. we won't have to think of enjoying life...because we'll be so lost in the enjoyment of life ...that the thought of having to plan for it would seem ridiculous to us.
So here I go again...thinking...that we need to do things when we realize they should be done...not wait for a date.... and i am so guilty of having done that in the past...i wonder what things i missed out on...
I remember an email I got a few years ago. I can't remember the exact words...but it talked about waiting for certain things to happen before we allow our selves to do something. I remember there were things like..."i'll find a boyfriend when I lose weight" I'll take a trip when I pay off my house..... things like that. And yes...of course we have to face reality, some things are not doable at the moment we want them ...but that is why we have to take action each and every day to reach those final goals. The message in the email was...why do we wait to reach a certain goal before we can accomplish what we truly desire. We may never reach that dream if we never reach the goal. Same goes for New Years...does a New Year have to come, in order for us to decide to be better?
Know in your heart...that you're going to be your desired weight...and your actions will start to fit into motion and you will arrive at your desired goal. Think about that trip you're going to take...don't think of the obstacles. The obstacles hold you back. They cloud your thinking...they place fog ahead of the beautiful landscape. What i'm saying is....if you desire a trip..don't think that you don't have the money today...because dwelling on the lack of money, will only place the trip out of hands reach. Only think about the trip...and everything will work itself out...so that you will be on that plane..on that ship...because everything will fall into place if you believe it. I promise!
So go on now...make your list...not your new year's resolutions list...but your life list....who do you want to be tomorrow...what do you want to accomplish for your future...not just for this year.. Be happy...make a plan...stick to it...believe in yourself... Be positive... and every thing will be ok... I promise
Happy New Year...Feliz Año Nuevo... may each and every day of 2012 and every year after that bring you bits and pieces of a happy life. Look for the good in people...look for the beauty in the world... it'll make every day easier...and your heart will be happier. Don't wait for something to live life... Like I always say...be the best "you" today...and it'll bring a happy "you" tomorrow...and life will be filled with all the beautiful things you deserve.
Signing out...
Leaving 2011 with a smile on my face.... heading into 2012 with a smile on my
face and in my heart... ready for all life's challenges to a better me! GO MO GO!

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