I keep saying I need to find the Christmas feeling.
I went to the Mall...see the Christmas lights on the palm trees. But, I wasn't getting the feeling.
I think I couldn't find it, because I wasn't going to be home for Christmas.
Home where it's cold. Home where the snow is. Home, where my family is.
My son and I talked about how it wasn't going to feel like Christmas, because we will be alone. We miss my sister's cookie baking and fudge, my mom's home made bread and empanaditas. Joking with my brothers and brother in law and nephew-in-law. Just talking with my sister, nieces, mom and sisters in law and we can't forget games we play. I can imagine the scrabble game on my sister's table.
And then...Christmas dinner. MMMM...
But wait a minute....Anthony and I are not alone. We have each other.
I can bake cookies...we can crack jokes. I can bake bread and make my favorite pumpkin empanadas. We have each other. I'm the mom and I have to make it just as special as any other Christmas... It's just a different Christmas than what we're used to. But if I don't make it the best...what memories will we have of this Christmas...none...just sadness!
The important thing for each and every one of us, is to realize who we have. What we have, how blessed are we.
A few years ago, when I first moved to Miami. I missed my little nephew soooooo much. One day, I was talking to my friend from Spain, and he asked me how things were going here. If I liked it, etc. I told him I wasn't happy, and I told him I missed my nephew so much. He told me...you have your son, put your efforts into him and not into who you are missing. What he was telling me...is why was I dwelling on something I didn't have, when I had so much with me.
It made me a little embarrassed because I didn't think I was neglecting my son because of missing my nephew. But, it made me think. I was dwelling on something I couldn't have or change at the moment, and I really was missing out on precious moments with my son.
I know, when we lose people to death, even to a break up, its extremely easy to dwell on who we lost. But we need to stop...step back...take a look at what we have and who we are blessed to have at our sides.
And, whether we are near or far from the people we love...we have to make it the best today for ourselves. I also think that in doing it for ourselves, everyone who we are blessed to be with, will have that much more fun...and the most important thing is...we will make happy memories. It's so important to make the holiday a happy one for the kids that are around us. We shouldn't rob them of happiness because someone is not around. The people who are not around, would never want this to happen.
I miss my dad...I miss my nephew Dom. I also am sad because I know my brother can't be with his kids and they can't be with him. My dad and Dom I can't bring back. My brother will be home one day.
Today, Christmas eve...I'll be baking as many goodies as I can fit into the day. Tomorrow I'll make Christmas dinner for my son and myself. Our little Christmas tree is decorated... and I will stress how lucky we are to have each other.
Tell everyone you love...that you love them. You never know when they'll be gone. Take pictures of the beautiful day...because you'll have them to help you remember the laughs and the peaceful moments. And also, you can share them with everyone near or far on Facebook :)
And whether you're celebrating Christmas in the snow or under a palm tree...whether you're surrounded by old friends, family, new friends or alone., have the best time possible. . Smile...be happy. And you'll build a Christmas to remember.
Merry Christmas...Feliz Navidad...

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