Monday, September 16, 2024

Whatever Happened to Critical Thinking Skills?


Were we ever taught this in school?  Did our parents or friends or work associates ever stir this in us?   Or are we so complacent, we believe everything we are told?   

Isn’t it human nature to question things?  Like, if I go around that mountain, will there be carnivorous dinosaurs or mild mannered dinosaurs who only eat plants and I won’t seem tasty to?   I’m often left wondering how people do not search out more information and are just so willing to follow the masses off the cliff.   Or why so many are so easy to jump on whichever bandwagon comes along, that has the lights, colors, and decorations they identify with yet never question if what they see are just masks on the people they want so badly to identify with, never questioning anything.    

It’s crazy to me, how I have seen so many jump on the Kamala bandwagon, and have forgotten of their first, almighty Biden.   No questions, asked, just immediate bowing down because they hate the other option, never even considering the third, who now has chosen which side he is on, based on his love of this country.    

Hatred, is what causes, people to steer so quickly in the direction away from the one they hate.   But, why do they hate him?   I ask myself why I hated him, and know why, because I believed him to be nondiplomatic and afraid he’d start world war 3 because of it.   Which he didn’t.   We’re only closer to it after Biden and Kamala took office, sending billions to countries to support their wars.   Now the warmongers like Cheney, of course will endorse those in favor of war, because hasn’t he benefitted big time from the Bush wars?

I saw something the other day, that made me really think.   Andrew Tate, who many will immediately call a misogonist.   A man, who started from nothing and because of hard work and maybe luck, now is a success.   A man I watched to begin with, wondering why people called him a misogonist.    He and his brother keep getting arrested for human trafficking, left in jail with no charges for months, then let out.    In all I’ve seen of him, I like his messages, to men.   He builds strong men with sometimes harsh words.   Harsh words that would make a softie feel extremely inferior, in an instant.    But, as I think of my son, and how I want him to always be a strong man, with a backbone, I would rather have him teach my son the harshness of what it takes to be a strong man, who can provide for his children and be a man throughout his life than an injured cry baby sally with tons of excuses as to why he can’t do what men have to do.   Human nature!   We were taught these things since the beginning of time.   But today, men are told they can be and act like women, which to some may be ok, but hey, the best way to bring down a civilization.  And it's ok to take on the title of "weakest man alive".

 So, anyway….   He said this, (in my own words, as I can’t find the video).  He said, don’t you notice that those who speak out against the system, are charged with rape.  He mentioned himself, Donald Trump, Julian Assange, and Russell Brand.   Then he went on to say, but those on Epstein’s list have never been charged with anything.    Then I thought of Diddy/Pdidd/Puff Diddy, whatever you want to call him, and the stuff that was going on about him with his sex trafficking, how Ciara came out and told all the things he did to her, and they raided his house, but he was not arrested or charged with any of the things Ciara accused him of.   But, they find women, somewhere in the pasts of these other men, to come out and charge them with rape.     Then I heard a few days ago, about the Super Bowl line up, and who the star attraction was.  They talked about Lil Wayne was mad because he was not chosen, as it is his home town.  But they went on to say that PDiddy/Puff/etc was in charge of the line up.   I wondered, huh?   Didn’t they arrest him or weren’t they after him for all he did, all the accusations of him ridding the competition?  Nothing, and they’re still putting him up at the top to choose the almighty Super Bowl’s music line up… Which is big time in the music world.    

These things make me wonder, and it’s why it’s so easy to be a critical thinker, because it is so blatant as to who is persecuted or who is not.    The tellers of truths or people who cause the masses to think, are persecuted.  The people who go against the grain, who are not the puppets they need to keep the masses fed and distracted, are propagandized to be disliked…. Or better yet, hated.    It’s so plain to see.   But most don’t see….  And that’s where critical thinking comes in.   People don’t like to question, they’re happy nodding to the beat of the tune, that they know, never thinking maybe the lyrics or something just may be off.    But, as I write, some will get it.   Most won’t..   The critical thinkers will know what I’m talking about, the complacent will not.   This is Chinese to you if you do not have the ability to think outside your comfortable little box.  The comfortable little box, that you hope never changes, but we are not in the dark ages, we are in the age of everything exposed if we just turn the page.   But most won’t ever open the book, they’re like broken records… remember when a record had a scratch and the same thing played over and over as the record made its rounds?    Yeah, that’s most people… because they don’t have the balls, backbone, whatever you want to call it, to question anything.  Afraid to ruffle the feathers of their most faithful followers, there little clicks, it’s better to be a follower than to bust out of the matrix… yes, our self imposed prisons.  

Oh, but how wonderful to be a part of the world where we all are so intriguing that we give our friends and family things to wonder, and things to discover.  How wonderful to have an open mind, that we allow information, never taking it as truth, but figuring out how it makes sense, or does not, based on our never ending search of knowledge.  I say, that one of the most heart breaking things in life is the realization that all we loved and believed was not how we perceived it to be.    Like growing up and thinking your family was the best and not like the other families you heard of or experienced growing up, and then realize your family is just the same or worse that some.    Now, that’s heart breaking.    Heartbreaking is loving someone so much, then they cheat on you like you never mattered at all.   All illusions and beliefs broken.    Your best friend, or people you trust with everything, and loved with all your heart, being revealed as the biggest back stabbers and people intent on destroying your livelihood or reputation… now that’s heart breaking.  So, imagine one day realizing that the politicians and the country you love and its government, just isn’t as pure as you believed it to be, with all your heart.  Now that is heartbreaking.    But, many can’t stand the truth.   They hate the spreaders of the truths they are holding on to so tightly.    So maybe. Those people, for sure aren’t ready to face reality, and only care about their own little worlds, that they think one or the other will keep them comfortable in.   

Anyway, you can’t lead a donkey to water and make it drink.  You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. And an old goat will eat anything you put on its plate.   Just as long as you don’t ruffle the feathers of change, or give the mind food for thought.   Sad, that so many can’t see anything outside their realm of hatred, so they never see the clearly painted picture of how things are, however heartbreaking they may be.

Sometimes I wonder why I am how I am.  Sometimes I wonder why I question so much.   But then I wonder, was I always like this.   The first time I remember being like this was when they wanted to put my nephew on Riddlen the drug used for hyper kids to sedate them in school, so they can be manipulated and looked past so they aren’t a nuisance in school.    Then came 2007 when I stopped watching the news, realizing how it was hurting me, with the real estate crash, as I was a realtor.  I couldn’t let the negative hurt me more in my chosen industry of work, and because of it, I made the most money I have made in my life.   Then came cancer, and all my beliefs saved me.  My rebelliousness is what saved me I believe, my questioning, my research, my desire to know more, and my open mindedness allowed me to accept the advice and medical procedures outside the western world medical system, because I was lucky enough to accept the path of holistic medicine.   And with all the cancer, and realizations, and my biggest belief system of who I thought would be there was crushed into a million pieces, which made me realize most of what we believe is not how it seems, when put to the test.   And it brought out the most important, and only important, leaving the rest in the ashes of what I once believed and would have done everything for to save.   NO longer, the same…. And along came covid, and it’s when I really learned about how the media controls people, as most turned into human bobble heads, doing everything their news commentator told them to do, they bowed down to the Almighty heads of state telling them what to do,  I saw the abuse of this so called pandemic, the way I predicted how it would make people lazy, and most of my foreseen predictions came true.   Only because I thought of what could happen.  Foresight.   It’s like a mother looking at her child and seeing them play with matches, or climb the front of the book case, using foresight and worst case scenario or best case scenario as to what could happen next.    That simple.   We all have it in us, I would hope.   But then I started reading my horoscope or looking at things that talked about all that consists of my birth chart.   Sagittarius, Gemini, - curious, always looking for knowledge, adventurer, creator, intellectual, inspiring, … and so many more positive things, and what I will definitely identify with.   I know some of the same sign, who are similar, but some who are opposite.  Moon sign is what consists of our mentality, 

And that’s the end of the story…. I don’t trust.   Was it because I’ve been hurt so much before.  Was it because I’ve been around the most shady people, who smile in my face and try to convince me of the good they are doing, when it’s only good for them and theirs, only using me as a stepping stone as they use their “poor me” ways to manipulate me?  

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