Saturday, August 24, 2024



I believe you know when my heart is writing.
I believe you feel my words deep inside you when my words come from the heart.
The heart...
signifies love
it signifies life
In life, without love, who are we?
The blood runs though our veins
but when love fills us, there is a heat running through our bodies,
making us filled more with life.
When I'm in love.
When I'm broken because of love
I write.
Beautiful words, and words written between the lines,
and only those who know me or truly know the love I am feeling
know the meaning.
When I love,
I love with all my might
with all my being
with my soul
and yes, with all my heart.
There are no boundaries, there are no limits
and maybe only once in my life I have realized just how far I'd go
And when I write, there are no rules
I forget about sentence structure, and paragraphs
and punctuation
I write in riddles,
I write to the rhythm of my heart
I forget to capitalize and I add dot dot dot...
just like my heart goes on.
My writings could anger a scholar of words
or someone who believes to be superior to the things I write
But I can care less,
because I write what I want
and I write for those who can make sense of the beautiful words
that spill from my heart.
A hopeless romantic, romanticizing what could be horror stories to some
I wear my heart on my sleeve
to be critiqued by some and loved by more.
I honestly don't do it for anyone but me,
oh, of course for the one I love,
as it's why Forever... was written.
So I don't care if you love it or hate it.
It's mine.
And I choose what I want to share with the world.
And am so thankful for those who can read my words
and understand because just maybe, they too have loved so deeply.
So take it or leave it,
the words my heart bleeds
are just another love story
in the valleys of broken hearts, and happily ever afters.

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