Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year...Feliz Año Nuevo

Wow...another year came and went. And here we are beginning 2012.
What I see...through facebook HOPE. Hope for a better tomorrow...for a better year.

I hope we all wrote down our New Year resolutions...I haven't yet. But will do it before 12. I not only have to write what I want to accomplish, but will write a plan, on how I will accomplish those goals and figure the steps I need to take.

We have goals...but we need to map out the road to the things we want to accomplish.

I love reading the hope filled comments should be like that every day.

Every day we should try to rid ourselves of the negative...go to sleep at night with hope for the next day and every day after that.

Why do we only do it at the end of the year. Maybe our lives would be easier if we lived every day that way.

Why are we making new year's resolutions...why don't we just make life resolutions to be better than we are today...then tomorrow continue the cycle. That way, we won't be one of the many, who's new year's resolutions were history by the end of January.

I just googled the top New Year's resolutions...this is the list i found

1. Stop smoking
2. get fit
3. lose weight
4. enjoy life
5. quit drinking
6. get organized
7. learn something new
8. get out of debt
9. spend more time with family
10. help people

wow.... what a list. And it makes me wonder...why we have to get to the end of the make this type of list. Hey i've done it...i do it every year.

But this year...mine is different. I think its because I am different. I'm happy. And i'm not going to stress the little things.

My goals for the year you ask?

1. ACN to the Max
(for me and my team)(TC before my birthday)
2. All aspects of real estate to top producer
(like I was a few years ago)
3. Finish my first book by April 1, 2012
(10 years from when it began)
4. Spain in the fall
5. Love
6. all the desires I have on my dream board
(it's a board i made with pictures of all the important things I want
to accomplish and the reasons for them
through hard work and belief in me)
It's my "WHY" at becoming successful in my goals 1-5 above.
The bigger the WHY...the greater the effort!

My other goals like:
be a better mom
be more organized
etc, etc, etc,
i shouldn't have to plan them...
they should just be that way
because I believe each day
that i am that way!
I truly believe...that how we see ourselves
is how we are...and will always be that way
if you never change your way of thinking

All I know is every day...I have to work on myself...on my goals...on my happiness.

Don't wait till make the decision because its December 31. Make it today...because today truly is the first day of the rest of your life. Today, is the beginning to tomorrow. Today...paves the road toward our goals.

And...if what you decide or try to accomplish doesnt happen the way you expect it to...than shake it off...don't use it as an excuse to continue slacking. For instance..if you choose to lose some weight...and you start hard're eating're running or dancing or whatever exercise you choose...then all of a sudden you have one of those days that you don't want to move. Hey...its ok! Don't think that you aren't going to continue because you had one bad day...just get up...forget about yesterday and not doing it...and get back on.

Its what I
do...regarding my exercise. Sure there are some days, I go to bed late and since I had to change my wake up time to 4:30, its been a little harder to get up. So there have been days I haven't walked before I start work...but do you think it's my excuse to not exercise again...heck no.. I forget about it, and just do it the next day, or that evening or whenever... Make your decisions a part of your life...don't let the moments you slack, dictate your future.

Believe you can do it... Heck...I could use the excuse that 4:30 is too early to wake up.. but if I continue believing that 4:30 is hard...then i'll never get up. I have to make up my mind...which i'm still in the process of doing...and know that just like 5:30...i'm just 1 hour ahead of myself...and I have 1 more hour to accomplish all my other goals. Its making little goals...and tricking yourself to believe...and in the end it becomes truth...a part of you...a part of your life.

Hey....we have to look for the positive in everything....and the results of my working out are a proven fact that I am not only feeling better, i'm looking better...I am better!
Don't resolve to lose weight, just because its a new it because you want a better you. Don't resolve to quit smoking or drinking because it's December it because you deserve it...and its what you truly want.

The thing on the top 10 list of resolutions that stood out...was "enjoy life", i'm at a loss for words right now...i'm wondering why someone would wait till the end of the year to decide to enjoy life....shouldn't this be a no-brainer? Do we have to remind ourselves to enjoy life...yeah, maybe we do, at times, like when we are so busy, we forget to stop and see the beauty around us...but if we have a positive outlook, wake up knowing that the day will be beautiful.. we won't have to think of enjoying life...because we'll be so lost in the enjoyment of life ...that the thought of having to plan for it would seem ridiculous to us.

So here I go again...thinking...that we need to do things when we realize they should be done...not wait for a date.... and i am so guilty of having done that in the past...i wonder what things i missed out on...

I remember an email I got a few years ago. I can't remember the exact words...but it talked about waiting for certain things to happen before we allow our selves to do something. I remember there were things like..."i'll find a boyfriend when I lose weight" I'll take a trip when I pay off my house..... things like that. And yes...of course we have to face reality, some things are not doable at the moment we want them ...but that is why we have to take action each and every day to reach those final goals. The message in the email was...why do we wait to reach a certain goal before we can accomplish what we truly desire. We may never reach that dream if we never reach the goal. Same goes for New Years...does a New Year have to come, in order for us to decide to be better?

Know in your heart...that you're going to be your desired weight...and your actions will start to fit into motion and you will arrive at your desired goal. Think about that trip you're going to take...don't think of the obstacles. The obstacles hold you back. They cloud your thinking...they place fog ahead of the beautiful landscape. What i'm saying is....if you desire a trip..don't think that you don't have the money today...because dwelling on the lack of money, will only place the trip out of hands reach. Only think about the trip...and everything will work itself that you will be on that plane..on that ship...because everything will fall into place if you believe it. I promise!

So go on now...make your list...not your new year's resolutions list...but your life list....who do you want to be tomorrow...what do you want to accomplish for your future...not just for this year.. Be happy...make a plan...stick to it...believe in yourself... Be positive... and every thing will be ok... I promise

Happy New Year...Feliz Año Nuevo... may each and every day of 2012 and every year after that bring you bits and pieces of a happy life. Look for the good in people...look for the beauty in the world... it'll make every day easier...and your heart will be happier. Don't wait for something to live life... Like I always the best "you" today...and it'll bring a happy "you" tomorrow...and life will be filled with all the beautiful things you deserve.

Signing out...

Leaving 2011 with a smile on my face.... heading into 2012 with a smile on my
face and in my heart... ready for all life's challenges to a better me! GO MO GO!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas...Feliz Navidad

Wow...Christmas in Miami.

I keep saying I need to find the Christmas feeling.

I went to the Mall...see the Christmas lights on the palm trees. But, I wasn't getting the feeling.

I think I couldn't find it, because I wasn't going to be home for Christmas.

Home where it's cold. Home where the snow is. Home, where my family is.

My son and I talked about how it wasn't going to feel like Christmas, because we will be alone. We miss my sister's cookie baking and fudge, my mom's home made bread and empanaditas. Joking with my brothers and brother in law and nephew-in-law. Just talking with my sister, nieces, mom and sisters in law and we can't forget games we play. I can imagine the scrabble game on my sister's table.

And then...Christmas dinner. MMMM...

But wait a minute....Anthony and I are not alone. We have each other.

I can bake cookies...we can crack jokes. I can bake bread and make my favorite pumpkin empanadas. We have each other. I'm the mom and I have to make it just as special as any other Christmas... It's just a different Christmas than what we're used to. But if I don't make it the best...what memories will we have of this Christmas...none...just sadness!

The important thing for each and every one of us, is to realize who we have. What we have, how blessed are we.

A few years ago, when I first moved to Miami. I missed my little nephew soooooo much. One day, I was talking to my friend from Spain, and he asked me how things were going here. If I liked it, etc. I told him I wasn't happy, and I told him I missed my nephew so much. He told have your son, put your efforts into him and not into who you are missing. What he was telling why was I dwelling on something I didn't have, when I had so much with me.

It made me a little embarrassed because I didn't think I was neglecting my son because of missing my nephew. But, it made me think. I was dwelling on something I couldn't have or change at the moment, and I really was missing out on precious moments with my son.

I know, when we lose people to death, even to a break up, its extremely easy to dwell on who we lost. But we need to stop...step back...take a look at what we have and who we are blessed to have at our sides.

And, whether we are near or far from the people we love...we have to make it the best today for ourselves. I also think that in doing it for ourselves, everyone who we are blessed to be with, will have that much more fun...and the most important thing is...we will make happy memories. It's so important to make the holiday a happy one for the kids that are around us. We shouldn't rob them of happiness because someone is not around. The people who are not around, would never want this to happen.

I miss my dad...I miss my nephew Dom. I also am sad because I know my brother can't be with his kids and they can't be with him. My dad and Dom I can't bring back. My brother will be home one day.

Today, Christmas eve...I'll be baking as many goodies as I can fit into the day. Tomorrow I'll make Christmas dinner for my son and myself. Our little Christmas tree is decorated... and I will stress how lucky we are to have each other.

Tell everyone you love...that you love them. You never know when they'll be gone. Take pictures of the beautiful day...because you'll have them to help you remember the laughs and the peaceful moments. And also, you can share them with everyone near or far on Facebook :)

And whether you're celebrating Christmas in the snow or under a palm tree...whether you're surrounded by old friends, family, new friends or alone., have the best time possible. . happy. And you'll build a Christmas to remember.

Merry Christmas...Feliz Navidad...

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My Birthday....Lucky Me! birthday. I'm happy! I am so thankful for another year. But what I'm most thankful for is the happiness I feel at this moment...and who I've become in the last 6 to 8 months.

My life changed this year...I became so much stronger than I had been in all the years past.

I came to a realization of me...and of the world. And I'm happy. I am the best I have ever been emotionally and my body is getting there too.

I've been extremely philosophical the last few months...trying to figure out the whys and why nots of my life. And how to fit them into my future.

My friend's birthday was just a couple weeks ago, he's 2 years younger than me... I told him that we must keep the child in our souls alive. Because, the child in us will always allow us to see the beauty around us even when we are lost in darkness. And keeping the child alive in us will give us the desire and determination to live...and not just continue breathing...but to live life to its have fun, to surround ourselves with people that make us smile and make us happy.

We don't talk much about the changes we are going through as we age. But I know we see them in each other just like we see them in the mirror. When we age, its hard sometimes to look in the mirror and realize just how much time has gone by... I don't dwell on it. But, once in stares me in the can't be avoided.

I am reading a book The Alchemist. In the prologue, there is a story of a boy named Narcissus. He would go every day to the lake. He would look into the lake to admire his own beauty. One day Narcissus fell into the lake. A goddess came to the lake and saw the lake crying. She asked the lake if he was crying because Narcissus was beautiful and was pursued by all for his beauty. The lake said he didn't know Narcissus was beautiful...what he saw in Narcissus each time he knelt at his banks, was his own beauty reflected in the depths of his eyes.

When we find someone who reflects our beauty, those people are treasures. People who care about us even when we aren't our best. Those are the people worth keeping around. Never let them go....

A couple days ago, I saw someone who I had dedicated my life to over the last few years. I wondered how I had remained in the relationship so long. I never saw life or hope, and I never saw my own beauty.... and it made me realize...some people are just not for us. Some people don't light the fire in our souls.. And when we surround ourselves with people who bring us down...or help us become mundane...its a little sad. When I was surrounded by this, i didn't allow myself to realize what I truly was missing. And no...I haven't found anything since then...but it's opened my eyes to life. My life!

I told my friend this...he told me, ok...everyone is different, which I agree. He knows I don't put people down. But I told him, so many times in life, we stay...because we think its right, or because its all we know. And until we're left standing alone in this we realize all we were missing and all that we need to do to fulfill our hearts and souls.

Life is funny...people come and go out of our lives. I believe the ones that remain or the ones that left and then return...are meant to be there forever. Our forevers. I'm so lucky to have special people in my life. People near and far, who give me smiles...tears, ideas. But in the end...I know that they care about me, and that's what truly matters.

My friend told me...he wishes that every beautiful thing in the world comes to me... I thanked him. But then I thought about it...for just a few seconds...and I told him, that all the beautiful things in life had already arrived. But what I would look for, is something as good, and maybe I'd find something more.

I found a new song...that i've listened to over and over again today. When I find a new song that touches me...I could listen to it all day. When something touches me inside i need to feel it over and over again. Weird...who knows.

The song is Only Alex Band. The lyrics are "one life to live, one love to give, one chance to keep from falling, one heart to break, one soul to take us not forsake us."

My interpretation:

One life to live...yeah that's all. And each moment needs to be lived to the fullest... So many times in life, we place importance on things that really aren't that important. Why can't we all step back...and look at our lives, and realize what is it that is "really" important. The things that make our hearts happy are the things that are important. Things that bring us joy...things that make us smile. Its so easy... so why is it so hard to find joy for so many of us. Because we're feeling sorry for ourselves for something or the other.... I for one have always had a melancholy soul...yet I am optimistic. But the melancholy me...helps me grow. It gives me ideas... just like the optimistic side does...

One love to give... I've loved many...but only one, I can say was a part of my soul. One I would do the impossible for. One who I would walk to the end of the world for. But in life...we may have been so lucky to find someone that we felt could complete us...and sometimes we can't have that person for whatever reason...but then we must go find someone else to make us smile from the inside out. You can never stop looking if you haven't already found someone that makes you feel alive...and if you found that someone and they couldn't be yours...keep your heart open, and if we believe...i think someone else will find their way to us and us to them...someone that will fill all the spaces, the other person did. I'm hopeful...its all we can be.

One chance to keep from falling... we fall daily...but we get back up. Falling would be falling eternally...losing all hope for a better tomorrow...for a better today. So like i posted on facebook.....when all appears bleak,...only darkness surrounds your eyes...the rays of heaven will appear from behind the clouds of hopelessness...the clouds that today smother you with sadness...will tomorrow blanket you with hope. I believe it...even when I feel so completely down...and i have no hope at the moment...deep in my heart and my soul I believe there will be a better come!

I wrote the following to someone I love with all my soul. And its basically how I feel not only for him, but for life and all those that I love. I wrote it in spanish, but will translate to english. The words I quote are from Heroe Enrique Iglesias (spanish version)

...te dejo con unas palabras que significan mucho para mi "POR QUE SALVARTE A TI MIL VECES...PUEDE SER MI SALVACION" y asi me te puedo traer sonrisas cuando no tienes ganas de sonreir...cuando tu vida esta pesada y puedo quitarte lo te puedo ayudar jugar cuando ni tienes ganas de caminar...seria la persona mas feliz del mundo. Nunca lo olvides....

...I leave you with words that mean so much to me "If I could save you a thousand just may be my salvation" I feel that way...and if I can make you smile when you don't feel like smiling...if when your world seems heavy, I can take away the things that weigh it down...if I can give you the urge to play when you don't have the will to would make me the happiest person in the world. Never forget...

Its not only what I feel for my friend...but it's how I feel for everyone I love and who is a part of my life...whether near or far. If I can make you feel better....if I see you down...I will always try to leave you with words to try to console you...with words to give you hope for a better tomorrow...and saving you a thousand times...this will definitely be my salvation.

Today my birthday...I'm happy...I'm loved...I love...I'm lucky! And I want to thank every every everyone....for every every every moment of joy that you give me...for the ideas...for smiles...for the tears...for you! Thanks for being a part of my life...of my journey.... I'm lucky!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Things Could be Worse...I guess...

I went to an upbeat training session last night.   Walked out of there with awesome energy.

On my way home I knew something was up.  My son had been texting me asking me when I would be home.  He should have been working...or thats what he said when he got out of school

So...on my way home I prepared myself.   The worst he could have done could be getting a tattoo.  The most horrible, could have been getting in trouble with the law.    

I got home.  He was sitting on the bean bag.   I was on the defensive because I thought he hadn't taken his responsibility seriously, by going to work when he had committed himself.   There was no excuse for it.

So, he springs the bomb on me.   A TATTOO.   Wow...

My first reaction...I was so mad.   I couldn't believe he had actually done this.  Although, he's been talking about it for the last 4 years.   My second reaction, total disappointment.   My third reaction, sadness.   

I never wanted him to get a tattoo as a teenager.   My argument was life...and the things I had learned and also realized throughout my life.  I've always been one that goes to extremes in my style, my hair, my desires and actions.     And through this, I realize what I've done and what I could have done, if I would have had more nerve.

I always used the example, based on what I was so into as a teenager, if I had gotten a tattoo, I would have stars, music lyrics, and styles that today I would be ashamed to have on my body.  We usually end up laughing about what my tattoos would be today if I had gotten one at age 16, 17, 18, 19, 20....something different every year.

Once, when he was about 3, my friend was getting a tattoo on her foot.  So I thought, what the heck, I want one too.   So my decision, because it was the most important thing to me, would be my son's name.  But where? ok.... my legs have always been something I was proud of, so on my leg it would go.  On my upper thigh near that cute little beauty mark and people could see it when i wore my short shorts.    I was going to do it.  I was just waiting for my friend to get her's finished.

But then, my little boy, looked up at me and said "Mom, don't get one".   And it was that easy...I didn't have to think twice...I didn't do it.  Only, because my son didn't want me to.    Today, I'm glad I didn't do it.   That beauty mark, has dropped a few centimeters, and in another 25 it would probably be near my knee.  And for as small as I wanted it, today you wouldn't be able to read it.    I have to laugh.    But it's true... each his own.  I love art.  I love expression.   In fact I'm overly expressive.   But, I just didn't think he needed to mark his body with something that he could never change.   He didn't know where life would take him, and some times these things marking us can limit us.   Sad but true.   

It's all about perception.   The person who sees you, will make a judgement in the first few seconds that you are before them.  Ok...I've always been one who said, "heck with what people think"  But, in this day and age...I've realized we always have to be our best. And i'm not saying a tattoo can make you less...but he's just starting life.   He has no idea where it's going to take him.   

He wants to do modeling or would like to try acting.   Tattoos can be hidden by make up sure...but they can also be the factor that makes them choose someone without a tattoo over you and won't consider you for this or any other role.  Why on earth would he want to be labelled.   

What if tomorrow his tattoo is associated with gang members...then what?   He's automatically labelled a gang member?   

My mind goes crazy with what if...sure I over analyze...but that's just me.  

A few years ago, when my nephew died.  My son  wanted a tattoo of my nephew's face.    Awesome, I love nephew and always will.   But, I told him, he didn't have to carry him around on his body.  He would always be in his heart and in his memories.   I know that sometimes we make rash decisions.  And even during the worst moment's of our life, I didn't think a tattoo proved anything.

I tell him, every month or year, when he has a different idea for a tattoo, because they change every few months.  I remind him about the last idea, and mention if he had done the one previously, he would probably regret it.

I was at the checkout lane about an hour ago, looking at a tattoo magazine.  Sure, I think its awesome honestly.  Pretty pictures on pretty girls.  Hot tattoos on hot guys.    But I think about what they'll look like when they get older.  My son is a kid.  His body will change.   What will happen to the pretty picture if he gets thinner or gets big.    

Maybe I'm just a mom trying to protect my son from regrets.  Maybe I'm someone who is glad that I never had the guts to do it.    All I know is throughout his life, all i've tried to do is protect him from the world and the negative influences.    

Like I each his own.  But, when its your baby, it can break your heart.

I guess this is just a step in the process of "cutting the apron strings".  You can't run your children's lives.   You can only try to enforce the positive and hope that they think before they act.   

I guess things could be worse.   But that does not make me happy with what he did.   I just never want to hear that he regrets it.   I tried to shield him from things, but a mother can only do that for so long.

Today...another day...knowing that I've raised a strong son.   But will continue praying that he doesn't follow all the fads..   Clothes you can change...tattoos and piercings will mark you forever.   

But that's just me talking...thinking...and hoping.    No offense to others who have chosen to do this.  Just thinking about my son and wanting only the best for him and hoping he makes choices that never bring regret...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Today....filled with memories

I felt kinda silly writing what I did today on Facebook.  

This is what I wrote:

9 years ago today...i met probably the strongest love of my life, face to face....someone who i can say was the closest thing to my soulmate. much like me, in thoughts, in actions, amongst other things. Someone who will live in my heart always....its funny, today i was walking, thinking of the beautiful things I experienced so long ago...and a story... a beautiful fairy tale appeared in my mind. This is not the first time... this person and my experiences with him have brought stories out of me and hopefully someday you can read them! Now I have to write it down!

I wrote it because its what I felt.  But, some may think I'm silly.  ok...I am!  

I sometimes see things written by girls that are love sick...guys that are broken hearted.   And, I wish I could help them.

In no way am I lovesick or broken hearted for this person I wrote about.   I just had to share a beautiful experience I had.

I said i thought of a story, a magical faire tale based on things I was remembering from back then.  Its funny...but so many stories have come from that short experience...yet years long.   My mind is always churning...always creating a story and because of the moments lived before, during and after this experience...they've stimulated the creative portion of my brain to write...

Sometimes special people walk into our lives.  Sometimes, you wonder why and just how this could have happened.  Especially when you're in two totally different sides of the earth. It's fate...what else.   Nothing more...nothing less.   You're meant to be where you are that moment...of course based on our decisions in life and also the direction of the wheel...which places us at the perfect the perfect moment.

Yeah, I met my special friend on the internet...and with him like with my husband, I was pretty lucky that my intuition about both of them was right on.

I did something crazy even for me...I got on a plane, never had been on one.  And went to follow a dream or a desire...whatever you want to call it.

I got there...first moments were horrible....but the other 7 days were some of the best days of my life.   I was exposed to beautiful sites, and moments filled with laughter and some with tears.  Hey it was a vacation...a time away from reality.  Yet a vacation that could also be a beautiful dream.   When i've told the story in detail to some of my closest friends and family, they are sad. i laugh, because I wonder if my portrayal of my experience seems better because of my story telling abilities or was it what truly happened. is what truly happened...and because of the incredibly beautiful moments...i have no choice but to tell it like it was.  Hey...another thing is...i don't lie lol

When I left that friend said we were abandoning the island and  it would be lonely without us.   I have to laugh...because honestly, I left a big part of my heart on that island.     And he knows he did too.

When I say we are so alike...i mean it.  We are both the same sign...we over analyze, we think too much...we can read each other, we are Sagittarius...and if you know anything about our sign, you would know its us.  And only until recently i began to read about my sign, because i never wanted to believe in the stars before.

I talked to him today, as I so often do.  We laugh...we joke...and we fact he remembers more than much more detail.   Which is fun, because, for me its like discovering a treasure that was lost.  

I wrote something else in facebook, but in spanish...that said... sometimes the things we can't have in life seem the most beautiful...because what we hold on to, are the beautiful moments and we forget the reality of those experiences.   It's like a dream or a fairy tale...but its best to leave what you can't have, in the past.   Although sometimes, it can be difficult if we continue to relive those moments over and over again...its difficult if we choose not to let them go...and even more difficult when you have that other person staring you in the face or speaking the beautiful words that entrance..  Another thing that makes it difficult for the music.   The music brings it all back.   

I realize the good...i realize the bad.  I say, that until the day I find what I had then...if its possible...and i believe it is, I won't ever let go.   I hold on to'd be surprised at the things I have.  Its a treasure box filled with beautiful things, beautiful moments, both happy and sad... me silly....i'm an open book that's not afraid to be read.   I know I'm not alone in what I feel today...and that to me is what matters most. 

When i talked to him, I reminded him what today was...he paused when I said it.  And then he sighed...and said he couldn't believe so many years had passed.  I can't believe it either.  I thought we would see each other at least once a year.    During those years I got lost somewhere...but I won't let another go by without going back so we can have that cup of coffee and my favorite sorbete de limon...and look into each other's eyes, just one more time.   But then I wonder...will that be enough.  Hmm...   

To be continued....

Sunday, October 16, 2011

My new adventure....


The last couple of weeks I got involved in something.   Something that I am determined will change my life.

I went to an event...that totally blew my mind last weekend.  It was an event honoring achievers.   Ok...when I think of achievers, I think of college educated.   Or successful business owners.  People who have worked hard to achieve their goals.

What amazed me here....was there were people who didn't have to be college educated.   A lot were college drop outs, only because of where this opportunity took them.  Most started in this business to pay for their college educations.   A lot told stories of their parents, and how they wanted to help their parents, after seeing them work 2 and 3 jobs to support their families.   There were a couple that spoke that day, that are now retiring their parents. mom is retired, but if I could help her to live a better life...what better incentive do I have...other than my son?

A lot of these achievers were in their early 20's.  Of course there were older people as well.

What I was amazed they were people, just like you and me.   People with drive...and determination.   People who didn't let "NO" stop them.  People who were determined to have a better future.

I was really impressed by a few, one guy started 7 months ago...19 years old...and i was told he came from the hood!  You know...close to the ghetto!   He's making now 5 figure income a month...ok, five figures, that's 10,000....hey i want $10K a month...don't you!

There was also this couple, i'd say they were in their late 30's.  A couple that have a medical supply company.  And of course, because of the economy saw this business opportunity and went for it.  Within a year's time...due to what this company has done for them, they are now in the process of selling their medical supply company.

There was a mother and son there...which touched me, because of my relationship with my son.  They are Haitian.   The mother told the story of her son coming home excited about a new opportunity that he had seen.  She said, "no way...go to your room"  He persisted...and she finally let him go with it.   He is now after, just a couple years, one of the leaders.   He is now about 23 years old...not sure!   But she got into it after she saw what he was doing.   And is now a high achiever as well.

There was a brother and sister.  He is one of the highest achievers, and she is just below him.  Both were in college, worried how they were going to pay their educations, because their parents couldn't.  He's now 26, she must be about 24, maybe.   They told their stories...broke, and this opportunity was presented to him first.  He went with he's driving a Bentley after 7 years.   He told how he and his sister are giving their mother $30,000 as a christmas gift.   Blew my mind...

There were people who spoke very little english, if any at all, who were making their dreams a reality due to this system.

It was so nice seeing people dressed professionally.  You can't wear jeans to these functions.   So, I had to go out and buy Anthony dress pants and shoes, a tie and a belt.   What a few of these young adults said, is this business has expanded their lives.  It's taught them confidence and how to speak and carry themselves in a professional manner.   It's awesome!!

I'm laughing because the photo I chose for this blog, was intended to be a professional photo of me!  I'm a jeans and cute top type of person... trying to use more skirts because they're more attractive for me!  And ok I do dress or try to dress professionally for work, I don't own a business suit...but a skirt and top does me good!  So here I am in my "trying to look a little professional" photo....hey, its the only thing I had! lol

Ok...back to my story.....

Hey, I was impressed...and I am one that is not easily impressed.   Because I want to know who, why, when, and order to do anything.   This day... i don't know what it was, but I believed in it.

First of all...I am the hardest person to sell something to.  I don't believe in things.  A few weeks ago, a lady from work asked me to meet with her to discuss something.  I knew what was coming... But because she wouldn't stop asking, I decided to go to lunch with her and hear what she had to offer, but i'm going to the luncheon thinking "please, please, please don't ask me to join your group and sell something"  She was selling Melaluca, my mom used to sell it.  So, I put my blinders on....why you ask?   Because I don't like to sell.    Hey I sold Tupperware, Avon, Amway...etc etc.

Hey, I can't even sell myself something if I don't believe in it.   For instance, I may see something I like and walk toward the register and on the way i'm I need it?  will I use it?  Do i really like it?....most of the time, I don't get as far as the register!

Ok, ok...I sell real estate.  Some times I like it, sometimes I don't.   But, I will NOT sell products where you tell me I have to buy your detergent...or your shampoo or your vitamins...or creams...or pans...or knives...or THINGS I WILL NOT USE!    Hey,,,, even though you're telling me that your product is good for the still doesnt smell like Downey, which I've been using for over 20 years...and i don't think anyone, until they come out with the exact same smell...will get me to change.  That's me...hard...i like what I like and you can't change my mind...I won't use it even if its free...ahhh, can't lie, maybe if its free,  i could use it for old stuff.

So...over the last week.  I was sold...and only because these things I now provide are things you and I use each and every minute of our waking lives.    Simple huh....and what's more it sells itself.   With names we use each and every day.  I don't have to change your mindset...because these are products and companies that we already use.

I think you've all gotten to know me a little more...I'm not a you can see in all my blogs..I'm an open book, hey you all know my life story now...i'm not afraid to tell it.   So....

Hey...I'm on a mission...and I'm going to make it work for me.  Want to come along for the ride....hop on!

My new song:  MAKE IT HAPPEN....MARIAH CAREY!   and the words of inspiration for me are:    IF YOU BELIEVE IN YOURSELF ENOUGH...AND KNOW WHAT YOU WANT, YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE IT HAPPEN...AND IF YOU GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES AT NIGHT AND PRAY TO THE LORD...HE'S GOING TO MAKE IT HAPPEN!   And this will be the song they i walk up to the stage!

Hey...times a wastin...and I'm tired of worrying about the future...due to limited funds!  I'm tired of not being able to have freedom due to limited funds....i'm tired of wanting to accomplish a simple simple as hopping on a plane...due to limited funds!  hey, i'm tired of turning the air conditioning off in I can save a few bucks..even though we're perspiring and growing mold in our lungs...due to limited funds  (just kidding, but close on the last one) lol

So here i go...wish me luck!  Hey, but I'm already lucky...didn't I tell you :)

ok...i'm not preaching you should drop out of college.  STAY IN SCHOOL!    :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Today as I was driving around...doing work related things. I was listening to my playlist called Feeling Happy and the song by TI & Chris Brown - Get Back Up was playing. So I'm driving...singing, swaying to the music. I see a man looking at me as I'm singing and tapping the steering wheel and so into my song, while I was parked at a stop light.

Initially, I got a little embarrassed...then I thought what the heck, and kept on singing and tapping, because the song was so good I just couldn't waste it. I smiled at him, and he gave me a grumpy look, so i kept dancing, enjoying my I drove away, I saw him smile and shake his head. He probably thought I was crazy! Hey but he smiled.

I started thinking. And realized just how happy I am. Hey....I really can't tell you why. But I have this feeling in me.

So I continued with my day. Feeling happy! I stopped at Best Buy, and smiled at everyone. I got lots of smiles back. That made me happy - ER !!

Then I went into Target....i'm walking through the isles looking for a squirt bottle...looking lost i'm sure. I saw a man watching me walk down the isle...and as I approached him I smiled...his smile was slight. So I smiled bigger, and he smiled bigger! Hey I made him smile!

Then I walk into whole foods...and saw a girl with pretty I told her so! She smiled and said thank you. That made me happy!

I saw the most delicious looking apples...they looked like New Mexico apples...there was a lady there trying to figure how she could only take a few without taking the entire bag, they were set in brown bags, and i also thought I had to take an entire bag. I explained to her what bag to use. She thanked me and smiled.

Its so easy to spread your happiness...I felt like I spread mine today! A small compliment...a simple smile, just might change someone's day.

One day, Anthony and I were at Taco Bell. There was a little boy there, 8 or 9 years old. Sitting at a table alone, coloring in his coloring book. I wondered first of all why he was alone. Then I said Hi!. He looked at me apprehensively and put his head down and continued coloring. Then I he could hear me..."wow, you're an artist" He continued coloring with his head down, but I saw the smile that appeared on his face. When Anthony came back to the table, I said "Anthony, did you see that boy...he's an artist!" Anthony looked at me like "mom, you're nuts". But my son knows me well...and he knows I love to make a difference in people's lives. Not that I'm always doing it, but I do like to compliment people and show them they are appreciated.

I think that a simple gesture, a nice compliment, a helpful hand, and a smile can change someone's day, if not their life.

Today I'm happy...because my heart is happy. I can't tell you I have a reason, other than, I'm alive...and I'm ok! I can only imagine the happiness I will feel when the two things in my life that I desire come to be. I'll probably explode from happiness!!

Its easy to be have to find it inside, and then let it spill over so you share it with outs.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Just thinking...

Talking with my friend the other day....he asked "how many married couples do you know that are truly happy". It took a while for me to answer. And honestly, there weren't many I could think of.

Being who I am...and how I think deeper than others may, it made me sad.

I then asked him the same question, and his answer was also very few, if any at all. So my next question was...why? He said it may be due to our expectations in life. I thought about it....

In thinking about this, i veered off and began to wonder why people cheat on their spouses.

I was once married to the biggest cheater of them all. So I know what it feels like to be cheated on. I've also been on the flip side... Nope, I'm not a saint! But I also know I'm not alone in this.

I was talking to a someone the other day, who has cheated. She told me she was happy in her life and couldn't do anything to jeopardize what she has for the person she fools around with. But, it made me wonder why she kept needing this other person, if she was truly happy. And what is more amazing, is she is the one who searches for her lover. I honestly don't think she is truly happy, I think she is trying to convince herself. I truly believe she is not the cheating type, if that makes any sense. I think she stays because of her obligations, but there is a part of her, that would love to be with the person who makes her crazy and thats why she can't let him go. He makes her happy, he makes her smile. Who knows, I haven't come to a conclusion on this one, yet.

I think there are two kinds of cheaters...the screw everything in their path cheaters. And the, accidentally knocked me off my feet cheaters.  Is there a difference? I think so.

The screw everything in their path cheaters...are constantly searching for the next best thing. I really don't think these kinds of cheaters will ever be fulfilled. I once had a friend who had a cheating husband, who at the time, I compared to my cheating husband.

She had a friend who was a psychologist, and she confided in him about seeing her husband at a club with another girl. The psychologist asked her to describe the girl, she did, and the girl was a typical bar drunk. The psychologist friend told her that most men will go for someone who is usually beneath or below what they believe their wife is, because its what they think they truly deserve. In her case, she knew it was true. And in all cases, but one, in my marriage, I also knew it was true. This was also confirmed by my husband. He told me the reason he did it, was because he knew that someday I would realize that I was better than him and I would leave him. Why couldn't he see me for who I really was....that had never even crossed my mind.

As far as the other type of cheater, who is true to their life and just happened to stumble across someone that rocked their world, I don't think they are typical. I think sometimes in our lives...we become bored. Then all of a sudden, someone shows up, that makes us feel special or desired or just makes us feel our point of view matters.... and, it provides something that we are no longer getting at home, if we ever did.

But this type who cheats may find someone who is all they've ever dreamed of.   All that they desire.   This is the type that is dangerous....because when you find someone like that it is so hard to let go, if you ever do.   Whether it lasts or whether it ends....that person will forever haunt your soul and have your heart.  

I knew someone once, who was married, and who's wife was extremely moody. She was insecure and not happy. Most of their time was spent mad or unhappy. The wife didn't smile much, not only with him, but with others. He was a happy type. Jokester. Eventually he cheated on her. When she finally left him, he found another girl, who was his same personality, happy, jokester. And he was happy. He never cheated on this girl. What I often wondered was... did he cheat because his wife was moody and not really like him personality wise...and the new girl was so much like him, and she made him laugh that he never cheated on her. I think what it comes down to is the "happiness factor". It sucks to be sad and to be with someone moody... ask my ex-husband. lol In the end I was extremely unhappy...and it was probably not very nice living with a grump!

I have another friend, who told me something that went round and round in my head. He said he once had a dog that every time he'd get home, the dog would be so happy it would pee. I grossed out when he told me, but later understood what he meant. He also told me that he would never get married again, until he found a woman like the dog. I'm thinking "a woman who pees when she sees him". But no, he didn't mean it literally. He meant that he would marry the next woman, that would provide him with the sense of knowing that she was the happiest person on this earth when she was with him. I can understand that 100%.

Its the desire in us all to feel needed and loved. When we feel loved, it makes us happy. That's what it was. When we feel those feelings, it makes us bigger. Is that the reason people feel needed and desired? Just may be!

This again reminds me of my friend who says she's happy, but still needs her lover, or whatever you want to call him, after years. She says she sees how happy he is to be with her, and that makes her happy. Hmmm....happy? Is it that simple? So...if we're happy at home...then there's no reason to go elsewhere? hmmm... still thinking about it!

Heck, whether committed or single, when someone comes along and lights a fire in us. It makes us crazy. And its so easy to think about leaving everything behind.

But are those moments what we are feeling, worth leaving everything behind for?

In some instances, yes it is. In others, no it isn't. What a person has to do is realize just where you are in your life. Is all you worked for worth giving up for something you are not sure of? Or is it worth leaving all the mundane moments...mundane life behind, to find true happiness. Hmmm. That's a hard one, because how do you know what you feel today is what you will tomorrow? It may be all fireworks today...and bombs tomorrow!

What I think is...when we are in a relationship, we have to take care of each other. We have to make the other feel special. But it has to be both ways. Sometimes one is giving, giving, giving and the other taking, taking, taking. We can't be selfish, we have to make each other feel special and smile. Its so simple, really. I believe we have to show each other we are appreciated. That we're desired. And go the extra mile, to do it. Cuz you never know...when you aren't tending to the chickens, someone else might jump in the chicken coup and ruffle those feathers. Then where will you be...with a puffed out chicken or no chicken at all.

Ok....I'm being silly. But it's the truth. If you don't take care of what's yours, someone else will come along and do it for you. When a person is feeling unappreciated, and worn out by giving so much, and someone comes along and makes you feel gorgeous, or has some kind words to say or even just making you feel understood and that your point of view matters...its that easy. You're hooked! Sad but true.

One of my favorite songs "Treat Her Like a Lady" by Joe...says just that. My favorite part of the song is "now if this dont apply to you, keep doing what you do...and if the shoe fits you well, take a minute to ask yourself, how long will it take before she starts running in the streets" "now see whats old to you, is just like new to the next man, what you don't do for her, she'll find somebody who can, if you don't want to lose out on the best thing you ever had..."

Cheating is not right. I have always said, if you need someone else, then you should have the decency to leave the person you're with to find their true happiness.

I won't judge, and I won't make excuses. And you shouldn't either. Because until you walk in those shoes, you have no idea what it's about. And also, you never know when someone you love will be the victim or the villain, and it could very well be you, if it hasn't been already. And, when we judge, we never know what destiny will place on our doorstep, and it just may be the thing you judged so heavily the day before.

All I know is, life isn't easy. Relationships are hard. But, the thing we have to do is sit ourselves down, and take care of what we have, or let it fly. Two choices...hard as heck, choices. But, it needs to be done

Think with your head, not with your heart. Or...should it be the other way around. Our heart may sometimes lead us to complete happiness. What we can't do is leave our responsibilities unattended to.

So if you are debating on what to do....then take time, analyze your situation. Realize what is really important. Then make a move or stay put.

So back to where I started...are you in a happy relationship? And if not, what can you do to make it better. Is it worth fighting for. If not, is your happiness worth more? Think about it...and do what you have to, to make your life better!